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Eco-Tex Fashion Ltd is passionate about using technology to create sustainable fabrics. We are invested in solutions, partners and suppliers that create new products from materials that can be reused, recycled and reborn into a new product. We can help your company reach your sustainability goals and work together to protect our living planet, Earth.
Eco-Tex Fashion Ltd is committed to ethical, compliant and sustainable sourcing in every aspect of our operations and supply chain management. Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program is the tool where we execute rigorous supplier certifications, coaching and mentoring, proprietary audits and unannounced monitoring. All manufacturers are also required to achieve and maintain both Eco-Tex Fashion Ltd certifications and those of the individual buyers/customers or other international accredited organizations.
We are making recycled product and supplying in US, EUROPE ,UK.
House 48 (B/3) Road 12, Sector 14,
Uttara, Dhaka - 1230, Bangladesh.
HOTLINE - +8801729282827
67/4/1 ,Pioneer Road, Kakrail Ramna, Dhaka, Bangladesh
If you like to have our Support or Services feel free to email us.